About La Vie Locale
Hello, welcome to La Vie Locale!!
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Planning to make that trip to Paris that you’ve been dreaming about for years? Do you have a laundry list of reasons why you think it's not feasible to move abroad? Or are you in need of an extra push to take the leap you need to live life the way you envision it?
Well, you are in the right place! Having gone through all these emotions before, La Vie Locale wants to provide you with the necessary tools and resources to begin to put your ideas and dreams into action. What started as a blog in 2015 to share insider’s tips to discovering Paris like a local, has grown to provide a variety of services dedicated to helping individuals and businesses to make their trips and moves to Paris more seamless.
Meet Maya
Entrepreneur, Public Health Consultant, Creative
Maya is a California- bred, adopted Parisienne and proud citizen of the world. She is an entrepreneur, public health expert, and travel consultant. Ever since she was bitten by the travel bug back in 2009, she has traveled to over 35+ countries, lived abroad for a total of ten years, and is navigating what life looks like living as a long-term expat in Paris. With a wealth of knowledge and resources accumulated from her years living as an expat she has a passion for helping travelers and brands create their own life changing experience abroad, ranging from planning an itinerary for the first-time visitor to providing direction to pursuing Masters studies abroad. Maya also has the expertise to help an expat join the workforce or project manage an idea into its full potential.
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